Academic Overview

Our Philosophy

At Bishop Hendricken, our academic goals are two-fold: college preparation and an appreciation for lifelong learning.

As a college preparatory school, we strive to develop the skills, concepts, and competencies necessary for student success in post-secondary education. Our rigorous curriculum is designed to develop lifelong learners who are intellectually well-rounded, while opportunities in and out of the classroom further encourage self-exploration so that boys can discover where they excel, where their passions lie, and how they can develop their talents even further.

Second, and most importantly, our goal is for students to be challenged to recognize their own educational growth and take pride in it. At Bishop Hendricken, we know that students, especially boys, are more apt to excel when they enjoy learning. We cultivate an environment in which students of every ability find satisfaction in being challenged academically because we give them the tools to be successful.

Academic Departments


The goal of the Business curriculum is to introduce students to the core tenets of enterprise. Through a variety of courses, students gain practical experience and learn essential concepts like budgeting, investing, management, and communication.

Highlights: Accounting, Economics, Financial Literacy, Intro to Business, Marketing


The goals of the English curriculum are two-fold: to provide the student with the practical communication skills necessary for success in life, and to assist the student in becoming a more contemplative and compassionate person through a Christian exploration of human experience and literature.

Highlights: The Classics, British Literature, American Literature, World Literature

Fine Arts

Fine Arts classes provide the tools and opportunities for young men to explore their creative potential, express themselves dynamically, discover an appreciation for culture and beauty, and gain a better understanding of who they are and the unique talents that God has gifted to them.

8th Grade SELECT students and freshmen are required to take one semester-long arts elective.

Highlights: Acting & Improv, Animation, Music Fundamentals, History of Rock ‘n Roll, Piano, AP Music Theory, Ceramics, Studio Art, Introduction to Film, Animation, Digital Photography


Mathematics courses enhance the student’s abilities in ways that will give a basis for using math as it serves the needs of everyday life and a point of departure for engaging in advanced studies in mathematics.

Highlights: Introduction to Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Statistics

Modern Language

Modern Languages enable students to delve into differing perspectives, new cultures, and new forms of communication. Courses expose students to the diversity of human life through language, cultural norms, arts, food, and travel.

Highlights: French, Italian*, Spanish

Physical Education/Health

The Physical Education/Health curriculum focuses on empowering students with the information and opportunity needed to live healthy, balanced lives. Physical Education courses provide every student an outlet to participate in physical fitness in a range of ways. Health courses provide every student the knowledge necessary to make safe choices and understand well-being.

Highlights: Physical Education, Health


The Science curriculum strives to develop the knowledge base and creative skills required by demanding college laboratory courses. Courses explore applications to our health, our bodies, and our planet while reinforcing problem-solving and research skills.

Highlights: Biology, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Physics, AP Psychology

Social Studies

Social Studies courses focus on critically revealing the history of our nation and world. Through the curriculum, students are asked to question, research, and debate in an effort to grow their social conscience.

Highlights: Civics, World Cultures, U.S. History, European History, AP U.S. Government


Deeply rooted in the Gospel and Catholic tradition, Theology courses encourage students of all faiths to be conscious of the universal call to holiness. While respecting the diversity of beliefs and other faith traditions, the curriculum challenges students to embrace spirituality in whatever vocations they choose. Students are assured a safe environment to express and discuss sincere beliefs and doubts about philosophical and theological matters that concern them.

Highlights: Introduction to Catholicism, The Revelation of God in Scripture, The Mission of Jesus Christ and His Church, Foundations of Moral Theology, Catholic Faith & Tradition


Technology plays an integral role in every classroom, subject, and course at Bishop Hendricken. We are committed to providing students with coursework and opportunities that emulate the 21st century workplace and expose them to emerging courses of study and jobs in technology, including the Cisco Networking Academy.

Highlights: AP Computer Science A, Computer Science, Intro to STEM

Senior Field Experience

Senior Field Experience is designed to afford 12th grade students an opportunity to intern in the community for ten Mondays in the spring prior to graduation. The intent of the program is to expose students to careers and professions of interest to gain real-world, hands-on experience outside of the classroom.

This specialized internship is an invaluable experience for students and has been a integral part of senior year for 42+ years.


Redefining College Prep is an academic initiative that introduced a new class schedule to create more opportunities for specialized programming. With a range of electives across academic department, students have the choice to select courses that are of interest to them, and most importantly, are areas of potential study in college. 

Academic Levels

No matter your academic ability, Hendricken students are challenged academically and stimulated intellectually.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Bishop Hendricken offers several Advanced Placement (AP) courses through College Board. These are the highest-level courses that provide college-level challenges to the most gifted students, as well as an opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school.

Edmund Rice Scholars (ERS)

Edmund Rice Scholars (ERS) is an academic level designed for students who are on track to take AP courses as upperclassmen. The four ERS classes offered to freshmen and sophomores are Chemistry, Algebra II Analysis (Algebra II & Pre-Calculus topics), Geometry/Trigonometry, and United States History. 

Honors (HON)

The Honors level offers a challenging and rigorous course of study in all academic areas for top students in each class.

College Prep 1 (CP1)

The College Prep 1 (CP1) level is offered for the majority of Bishop Hendricken students. This course of study provides a rigorous challenge in preparation for the pace and work volume of post-secondary education.

College Prep (CP)

The College Prep (CP) level takes a skills-based approach to the curriculum for students. The CP level provides students a structured environment in which teachers follow similar routines, provide study guides, organizational support, and opportunities for hands-on learning.