Before the 2024-2025 Academic Year begins in the fall, here’s your checklist for the spring and summer!
SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2024
All new incoming students need to attend the Placement Test day in order to finalize their schedule for the fall. Please note: current 8th Grade SELECT students AND incoming students to the Options Program do NOT need to attend the placement tests.
All new incoming students must take the Mathematics Placement Test. The test is not timed and it generally takes between 1-1.5 hours to complete. Students will be dismissed when they finish the test, but no student may stay beyond 2 hours.
In addition, incoming freshmen MAY take the optional Modern Language Placement Test if they’d like to attempt to place up a level in their language. This test is for students who have studied French, Italian, or Spanish in middle school and intend to continue the study of that language at Bishop Hendricken. All tests cover the following: listening skills, vocabulary, grammar and writing. The materials covered are based solely on the language curriculum taught at Hendricken. This test is optional; if your son does not sit for a language placement test, he will be put into a first-year class.
Please have your son bring two #2 pencils to the placement tests. Only students taking the Algebra II test may use calculators. Students will be directed to the testing rooms when they arrive.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 2024 @ 7PM
All incoming students and parents are heavily encouraged to attend New Student Orientation together. You’ll receive important information, such as your son’s schedule for the fall, summer reading lists, book registration, start-of-school details, dress code, athletics and activities, summer camp offerings, and more.
Current 8th Grade SELECT students and parents should also attend!
At New Student Orientation, you will receive instructions with your PowerSchool Parent Portal login information and instructions on how to access the portal.
Once you’re logged in, there’s 4 important forms you’ll need to complete by Monday, July 1, 2024. It’s critical that these forms are completed and submitted via PowerSchool by this date.
Be sure to create your FACTS Tuition Payment Plan account for the 2024-2025 Academic Year soon! You’ll need to create a username and password, and then complete the steps to select the payment plan that best fits your family. To view instructions, click here. To set up your account, click here.
Once you complete your FACTS Tuition Payment Plan account, we will finalize your plan with any awarded tuition credits. You will receive an email from FACTS when the process is completed.
If your family needs to customize a payment plan, please contact Caren Pacheco, Assistant Business Manager, at
To view instruction and textbook lists, click here.
Using your son’s schedule and course numbers, you’ll be able to identify what textbook(s) he’ll need for each class. Textbook pick-up varies by each municipality, so be sure to review the instruction sheet carefully and call your district with any questions.
NOTE: Students from Warwick, North Kingstown, Providence, East Providence, and out-of-state will receive their textbooks from Bishop Hendricken at the beginning of the school year.
Gym uniforms are distributed at each student’s first Physical Education class. Parents should submit their son’s t-shirt and short sizes, here.
NOTE: Gym uniforms are included in the school supply fee applied to your tuition.
All students must have a Bishop Hendricken Assumption of Risk form signed, notarized, and on-file with the school. Parents/guardians should complete BOTH of the below forms: one for Bishop Hendricken and one for the Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL) should your son decide to participate in a sport throughout the year.
Signed and notarized forms should be mailed to:
Admissions Office
Bishop Hendricken High School
2615 Warwick Avenue
Warwick, RI 02889
NOTE: No student-athlete may tryout, practice, or compete for any Bishop Hendricken team until BOTH forms are signed and turned in.
ALL incoming students must have a recent physical with required up-to-date immunizations to enter the school. Please mail your most recent physical, immunizations, and dental forms by Thursday, August 1, 2024.
Forms should be mailed to:
School Nurse’s Office
Bishop Hendricken High School
2615 Warwick Avenue
Warwick, RI 02889
It’s time to begin planning for how you’ll get to school next fall! Bus service — and how to register for it — differs depending on where you reside. Please carefully review the transportation information for the 2024-2025 Academic Year, here.
If you have questions, contact Heather Picillo, Business Manager, at
All students are expected to read during the summer in preparation for their English class. Students can expect a summer reading test during the first week of class. Summer reading assignments for each grade level are below:
To sign up for Summer Reading Book Camp, click here.
Summer is a great time to begin shopping for your new school dress code! As a reminder, Bishop Hendricken does not have a uniform, meaning students and families can purchase any brand or style of clothes they’d like.
Each day, you’ll need…
As a reminder, all students must…
Unlike the elementary years, students do not need to bring glue, markers, a ruler, etc. Each student will need a notebook, pens and pencil for their classes and if they need a folder, 3-ring binder, or any other specific item, their teachers will make that request during the first few days of school.
Here are some important dates for the beginning of the 2024-2025 Academic Year next fall! To view the full school calendar, click here.
A fun, inclusive orientation program specifically for incoming 8th graders, 9th graders, and transfer students. Dress code is casual and comfortable — t-shirts, shorts and sneakers. Lunch is provided. There will be no bus transportation on this day. Students do not need to bring any backpacks or school supplies.
Students will hear from the School Leadership Team, receive their official class schedules, get their school-issued laptop, and have their yearbook and student ID photos taken, and receive their locker for the school year.
Students need to be in full dress code, including a sport coat or suit jacket and tie. There will be no bus transportation on this day. Lunch will not be provided or available. Bus transportation is not provided or available.
Students are encouraged to bring in backpacks and any textbooks or materials to put in their locker before the first day of classes.
It’s the first official day of classes for all grades!
Students should be in full dress code – NO sport coat or suit jacket required. Regular bus transportation begins and the cafeteria will be open for service.
Students enjoy a long weekend before their first full week of classes.
At least one parent of any student participating in a fall sport is required to attend the Fall Sports Parent Meeting. You’ll hear from the Athletics Office, meet your son’s coaches, and learn more about what to expect during the season.
Any students and their families interested in becoming involved in any of the Arts at Bishop Hendricken’s programs are invited to join us for an informational meeting at the beginning of the school year!
Following a welcome from the School Leadership Team, you’ll follow your son’s schedule, have an opportunity to meet his teachers for the year, and see campus from your son’s daily perspective.
An annual tradition, the Class of 2028 will gather for its Freshman Mass of Welcome at the Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul in downtown Providence. All students are required to attend. Tickets will be allotted to each freshman family at the beginning of the school year.
An annual tradition, the Class of 2029 will gather for its 8th Grade SELECT Mass of Welcome on campus, followed by a pasta dinner for students and their families.