Campus Ministry

Heart, Mind, Body, Soul

Campus Ministry is designed to minister to the spiritual and religious needs of the entire Bishop Hendricken community. We endeavor to do this on a daily basis through our interaction with the young men who walk our halls each day, and through the following activities…

  • School liturgies & prayer services
  • Service projects & opportunities
  • Class retreats
  • Faculty & staff retreats
  • Counseling & guidance

Men for Others

When we help those in need — the poor, marginalized, voiceless, and those facing injustice — we bring them closer to God.

Community Service

Students will have the opportunity to participate in projects that directly benefit Rhode Island neighbors in need. We want service to be meaningful and impactful. We encourage students to impact organizations, communities, and people who otherwise have no help — that’s how we bring others closer to God.

Students are required to perform 25 hours of community service each school year.

Mission Trips

In Lima, students work with kids in the Edmund Rice Christian Brother School, Fe y Algeria #26, build a small house for a family in need, work with Franciscan nuns in Tahuantinsuyo as they labor to assist the poorest of the poor, and transport medical and school supplies to remote locations in Lima. In 2011, we raised over $100,000 to build Casa Hendricken in Lima to house students from around the globe who travel to Peru to participate in mission work.

In Brownsville, students work directly in support and service of immigrant and migrant families. Based out of Gaudalupe Middle School, students work with religious orders to provide a tuition-free Catholic education to some of the neediest children in Texas.

Hunger Walk

Every Holy Thursday morning since 1975, the Bishop Hendricken community has come together for our annual Hunger Walk to benefit local food pantries, homeless shelters, and community food banks.

In addition to raising funds, the school community participates in a “soup and cracker” lunch the day before, and then walks a 10k together through the streets of Warwick to stand in solidarity with the poor and hungry. Everyone is welcome to walk with us: parents, alumni, and families.

Peer Ministry

Peer Ministry is comprised of a select group of seniors who assist the Campus Ministry in running student retreats, leading student orientations, setting up Masses and prayer services, and serving as mentors to underclassmen.

Peer Ministers are selected after completing an application, obtaining a recommendation from their parish pastor, and often interviewing with Campus Ministry. Each year, roughly 25 dedicated students are chosen to minister to their peers in this special role.