Faculty, Staff & Board

Deacon Gregory Albanese
BA, Providence College
MA, Providence College
Danny Alfama
Amie Battista Amaral
Accounts Payable
Phone: 401.736.5984
Melissa Andrews
Chair, English Dept.
BA, Canisius College
M.Ed, Providence College
Jeanne Babula
BS, Rhode Island College
Aaron Barber '18
Social Studies
BA, Assumption University
Lisa Barboza
Modern Language
BA, Eastern CT State University
Rhode Island College
NCE Summer Inst. for Catholic Ed.
Alexander Borts
BS, Springfield College
M.Ed, University of Rhode Island
Daniel Brennan '00
Social Studies
BS, Iona College
Daniel Brindamour '09
Jeff Cahalan
Stephen Caracciolo
Maintenance Supervisor
Vanessa Cardillo
Director of Academic Support Services
BA, Keene State College
BS, Keene State College
Phone: 401.889.5406
John T. Carroll '80
Board of Advisors
Law Offices of John T. Carroll
Darlene Caruolo
Board of Advisors
St. Kevin School
Kelly Collamati
Director of Executive Office
Phone: 401.889.5414
David Corsetti
Board of Advisors
Premier Development
Kathy Crain
School Counselor
BA, Brown University
M.Ed, Providence College
JD, Boston University School of Law
Bryant Da Cruz
Board of Advisors
Rhode Island Association of Realtors
Jacob Daniels
Ryan Dean '05
Visual Art Program Coordinator, English
BA, Bates College
MA, Salve Regina University
Mark DeCiccio '03
BA, Springfield College
M.Ed, Springfield College
Phone: 401.736.5987
Anthony Dryden
Ryan Durkay '01
Support Specialist
M.Ed, Simmons University
BA, Providence College
Lira Dye
Modern Language
BA, Rhode Island College
Bryn Evans '00
BA, Rhode Island College
MTS, Providence College
Justice Francis Flaherty '64
Chairman, Board of Advisors
Associate Justice (Retired)
Rhode Island Supreme Court
Mark Fogarty
Media Arts Program Coordinator
BS, Emerson College
Daniel Friel
Director of Development
Phone: 401.889.5396
Jim Garcia
Business, Mathematics
BS, University of Rhode Island
MBA, University of Rhode Island
Jamal Gomes '91
Athletic Director
BA, Stonehill College
M.Ed, Providence College
Phone: 401.736.5983
David Haddeland
Physical Education
BS, Springfield College
Sarah Hilario
BA, Brown University
MAT, Brown University
Andrew Howlett
BA, New College of Florida
Boston College
Harvard University
Leslie Hubert
Admin. Assistant – Main Office
Phone: 401.889.5404
Sarah Hunzeker
BA, St. Michael's College
William Johnston '99
Chair, Science Dept.
BS, University of Virginia
Christian Kabbas '14
Director of Communications, Marketing & Admissions; Technical Theater Program Coordinator
BA, Fairfield University
Phone: 401.889.5395
Louise Kaskel
Modern Language
BA, University of Alabama
Natalie Kessimian
Assistant Principal
BA, Providence College
MSA, Simmons College
Phone: 401.889.5409
Leera Kpea
BS, Salve Regina University
Jacqueline Levesque
Admin. Assistant – Arts, Athletics & Campus Life
BS, California State University at Long Beach
Phone: 401.889.5408
Megan Longo
BS, University of Rhode Island
M.Ed, Franklin Pierce University
Nicholas Losardo
Robert Lowell
Social Studies
Donna Lynch
Chair, Social Studies Dept.
BA, Salve Regina University
MS, Salve Regina University
MA, Providence College
Patricia Lynch
School Counselor
BA, Rhode Island College
M.Ed, Providence College
Phone: 401.889.5428
John Manning '06
Social Studies
BS, University of Rhode Island
MS, University of Nebraska Omaha
Fr. Robert L. Marciano, KHS '75
BA, Providence College
M.Div, St. John’s Seminary
Phone: 401.739.3450, ext. 113
Stephen Markesich
BA, Colby College
M.Ed, Fitchburg State University
Joe Maynard, ATC, CSCS
Physical Education, Athletic Trainer
BS, University of Rhode Island
Mark McPhillips II '08
Director of Campus Ministry
BA, University of Rhode Island
Phone: 401.889.5400
Jessica Medeiros
Options Program Teacher
BA, UMass Dartmouth
M.Ed, American International College
Abigail Melillo
BA, University of Rhode Island
M.Ed, University of Rhode Island
Michael Monahan '98
Dean of Students
BA, Rhode Island College
M.Ed, Providence College
Phone: 401.889.5411
Jennifer Monti, RN
School Nurse
Phone: 401.736.5985
Fr. Brian Morris '03
BS, Wake Forest University
M.Div, St. John’s Seminary
STB, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas
Phone: 401.889.5413
Audrey Paasewe
BA, University of Rhode Island
M.Ed, Grand Canyon University
Caren Cotoia Pacheco
Assistant Business Manager
BA, College of the Holy Cross
Phone: 401.739.7594
Frank Pantaleo
Chair, Physical Education/Health Dept.
BA, University of Rhode Island
MCAA, Concordia University Irvine
Julia Paolino
Director of Arts, Drama Program Coordinator
BA, Wheelock College
Phone: 401.889.5393
Mary Ann Patenaude
Academic Support Center Coordinator
BA, Rhode Island College
M.Ed, Walden University
Caroline Patton
Heather Picillo
Business Manager
BS, University of Rhode Island
Phone: 401.889.5426
Melissa Pickett
BS, University of Rhode Island
M.Ed, Providence College
Essie Plouffe
Communications & Marketing Manager
BA, Lasell University
Phone: 401.889.5422
Nicole Poloski
Director of School Counseling
M.Ed, Providence College
Phone: 401.738.9296
Jane Pontes
Chair, Mathematics Dept.
Deacon John Regan
Chair, Theology Dept.
MTS, Providence College
MBA, University of Rhode Island
Ryan Rhew
Ann Ricci
Nicholas Robenhymer, LMHC
School Social Worker
BA, Providence College
MS, The Institute for Psychological Sciences
Erin Sauve
Admin. Assistant – Principal
Phone: 401.736.5986
Christopher Sheehan '09
Assistant Principal
BS, University of Rhode Island
M.Ed, Providence College
Phone: 401.889.5423
Christopher Sheehan '64
Director of Maintenance
David Skelly
Instrumental Music Program Coordinator
BM, UMass Amherst
MM, UMass Amherst
Leeanne Soprano
Modern Language
BA, Salve Regina University
MA, University of Rhode Island
M.Ed, University of Rhode Island
Kelly Stansfield
Social Studies, Theology
BS, University of Rhode Island
M.Ed, University of Nevada
Richard Stewart '06
BA, Salve Regina University
MA, Catholic Theological Union
Fr. Gregory Stowe '97
Board of Advisors
St. Joseph Church
Gary Swider
Computer Science
BM, University of Rhode Island
BS, Western Governors University
Richard Sylvia
Dean of Campus Life, Director of Admissions, Vocal Music Program Coordinator
BS, Rhode Island College
Phone: 401.889.5421
Joseph Theroux '82
Chair, Modern Language Dept.
Natalie Turner
BA, St. Michael’s College
Phone: 401.739.2034
Jacqueline White
Assistant Director of Admissions
Phone: 401.889.5425
Joseph Wolferseder '81
Board of Advisors
Court Clerk
State of Rhode Island
David Wright
Director of Technology
BS, University of Rhode Island
Phone: 401.889.5427
Joshua Xavier '06
Board of Advisors
Sinapi Law Associations
June Youngs
Board of Advisors
Vice President Logistics (Retired)
CVS Health