Statement from Fr. Marciano ’75 on Roe v. Wade

WARWICK, RI (June 25, 2022) – The following is a statement from Fr. Robert L. Marciano, KHS ’75, President, on the overturning of Roe v. Wade:

On Friday, June 24, 2022, as the Church Universal celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the symbol of the love that our Divine Savior has for each of us, the United States Supreme Court lifted a dark cloud from our nation that has burdened its soul since 1973. Their recent decision, to reverse the judicial overreach of Roe v. Wade was courageous, correct, and has now restored an appropriate respect for human life even at its most infant and fragile stages.

I can clearly recall that January day, as a student at Bishop Hendricken, when that court decision was announced. In each and every class, Br. Loftus, Br. Sheahan, Br. Maus and so many others, sadly told us what a terrible and tragic day it was for our country and how life had been cheapened. They led us in prayer and asked us now to pray, work hard, join the fight that was upon us, and always respect life. For the last 49 years, we have done just that.

From those days up to yesterday, Hendricken men, led by their dedicated chaplains, Campus Ministry staff, faculty, parents, and friends, have boarded buses, marched in snow, rain, and sleet through the streets of Washington D.C. with thousands of likeminded and spirit-filled people of every faith to send a message to those holding the levers of government that this decision cannot stand. We have prayed countless rosaries, offered hundreds of Masses, and raised thousands of dollars to assist the Right to Life efforts in our state, and most importantly, to help women faced with this life-and-death decision and their unborn, innocent children. For nearly 50 years, we have stood tall as men of faith, as did Bishop Hendricken on his trip from Ireland to these American shores, so that evil would be defeated and goodness would prevail.

As our Most Reverend Bishop reminded us in his statement on Friday: “I wish to emphasize that those who support and defend abortion are not our enemies. They too are children of God and our brothers and sisters. We wish only what is good and holy and helpful for them, and we pray that they will sincerely examine their conscience and will recognize the great dignity and value of all human life, including that of unborn children.”

In keeping with our mission, we will continue to stand up for all life and foster respect for all persons of every race, gender, and faith, created in the image of a loving God. We now begin our efforts here to restore respect for the unborn in our state laws so recently and wrongly enacted. At this time, and always, we stand tall to boldly and confidently proclaim that our Bishop Hendricken family — its past, present, and future — will lend our voices, our hands, our support, and our love to mothers and their children yet to be born, for they are truly the dawn of a future full of hope and promise. May God bless America through all that we have done and will continue to faithfully do.
