As we enter Holy Week, Campus Ministry is hosting initiatives to support our neighbors in need. See this week’s schedule below, culminating in our 49th Annual Hunger Walk.
Dress Down for Project Playhouse
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
All students, faculty, and staff are invited to dress down for $3. All proceeds will benefit Project Playhouse, a collaboration between Rosemary’s Wish Kids and Bryant University, granting wishes of custom playhouses to Wish Kids each year.
Soup & Cracker Lunch
Wednesday, April 5, 2023 @ all lunch periods
In solidarity with the poor and food insecure, all students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to fast during our annual Soup & Cracker Lunch on Wednesday, April 5, 2023. Soup and crackers will be the only items on the cafeteria’s menu, and water will be the only beverage available for purchase. We kindly ask that ALL community members participate in our partial fast day unless there is a true medical reason not to do so.
Soup and crackers are $5. Water will be available for $1. All lunch proceeds benefit local community food banks and charity organizations. Cash and card will be accepted.
49th Annual Hunger Walk
Thursday, April 6, 2023 @ 8:10am
On Holy Thursday, the 49th Annual Hunger Walk will take place as the Bishop Hendricken community comes together to stand in solidarity with, and raise funds for, the poor, marginalized, and food insecure of Rhode Island. The morning will begin with a prayer service in honor of the lives lost in the Covenant School tragedy at 9am in St. Kevin Parish. Following the service, all students, faculty, and staff from both Bishop Hendricken and St. Kevin School will start out on the 10K walk through Warwick, demonstrating to the community that Hendricken doesn’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk.
As part of the Hunger Walk, we are asking every family, faculty, and staff member for a $20 donation to benefit local community food banks and charity organizations. Donations will be accepted in homeroom and online, here.
All students should report to school for homeroom at 8:10am. There will be no morning academies. Following the walk, students will be dismissed at 12pm.
Mission Peru Handball Tournament
Thursday, April 6, 2023 @ 12pm
Following the Hunger Walk, Peer Ministry is hosting a handball tournament to benefit the Christian Brothers’ mission work in Peru. All students are welcome to sign up in six-person teams. Sign-ups can be found in Campus Ministry. There’s a $60 entry fee per team, and a winning prize of $100.
Iggy’s 10% Benefit on Holy Thursday
Thursday, April 6, 2023 @ all day
When you eat at Iggy’s in Warwick on Holy Thursday, 10% of all proceeds from the entire day will be donated to Bishop Hendricken for the benefit of local community food banks and charity organizations. Stop by after the Hunger Walk, or for dinner, and help make a difference!